Learn how to remove credit card from facebook account today and protect your bank details before something goes wrong. Leaving credit card in any online website is not a good practice at all. When there is a security issue for that website then there is a high possibility that our credit card info and data may be stolen anytime. You might have heard such recent attacks over facebook and mastercard banks, credit card details and so on. Lets see how to remove your credit card from Facebook for security and privacy reasons.
How to Remove Credit Card from Facebook ?
When you purchase Reward Points to enhance your gamin experience from Zynga is automatically saved in your Facebook account. This method allows you to pay (via Paypal or Credit Card) for any RP purchases in future without any verification by directing you to Paypal for login authentication and verifies the payment then automatically authorized.
To avoid getting your account debited accidentally or for some privacy concerns you may delete your Paypal or Credit Card information stored in facebook account.
STEP 1: Go to Facebook Account, Account settings
STEP 2: Click the “Payments” tab
STEP 3: Click the “manage” out beside “payment methods“
The main reason is if some bad guy hacks your Facebook account, he can now make some Facebook-related purchases automatically without any additional approval or authorization. So Friends be aware and act smart. You have just learned how to remove credit card details from facebook and you are good to go now. Just follow the above steps and enjoy the safe virtual world.
You may also interested to read about how to remove credit card from godaddy if you have an account there for managing all your websites and domain names.
Thanks for reading and please do share this article with your Facebook and Twitter friends as well.
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